Christmas Advent Calendar Tree
Author: villaget Date Posted:30 November 2015

Create your own festive Advent Calendar tree from simple materials; old paper rolls, leftover Christmas paper, old cards, and fill with your choice of treat / gift! The kids can help make it - they will love it!

Lie cut out circles in order on the table next to paper rolls arrangement. Make sure paper joins are facing down when tree is standing for neatness. Stick numbers on the circular flaps starting with number 1 at the bottom left, and continue all the way up to number 25 at the very top.
Use clear tape to attach flaps to the upper inside of each paper roll so that the number is straight.
Use a glue gun, with only a small drop needed for each join, to adhere the four base rolls together in a square formation.
Cut a piece of cardboard to the size of the 6 base rolls and cover with Christmas paper using clear tape to stick together.
Place long cardboard base on the table and build triangular tree, starting with the first of the 6 across the base and only using a small amount of the glue from the glue gun each time to join where the roll will rest against the one next to it.
Finally use a star cookie cutter to trace a star onto some gold card. Cut it out and adhere to the top of the tree. Fill each paper roll with your chosen treat. Enjoy counting down the days till Christmas!

Materials Needed
- Paper rolls x 25
- Assorted Christmas paper
- Gold card
- Cardboard for tree base
- Clear tape
- Glue stick and/or glue gun
- Scissors
- Treats or small presents to hide inside

Cut paper rolls to size (I made mine 11cm). Cut lengths of assorted Christmas paper to fit roll. Enough to make 21. Wrap the paper around each roll and use a piece of clear tape to stick together. There are four paper rolls left for the base of the tree. Choose gold or red or brown paper and wrap paper around these base four. Trace the circular end of the paper roll onto your spare Christmas paper. Cut out circular ends to match your wrapped paper rolls. These will be the little flaps with the numbers on them. Keep in mind your four rolls at the base may have different coloured circle rounds to match their different coloured rolls. Cut out numbers 1-25 from gold paper to fit on the circular flaps. This is rather tedious, so see if you can buy some stick-on numbers. Arrange the paper rolls on end starting with 6 across, then 5, then 4, 3, 2 and then one at last on top.